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Monday, September 14, 2020

Separation of East Pakistan


•    1940, Prime Minister of Bengal, Fazul ul Haq put forward the Lahore Resolution

•    It demanded that Muslim majority regions to gain independence

•    This measure was passed unanimously by the Muslim League

•    This made people of Bengal believe when independence came there would be an autonomous state centre in Bengal

•    But in 1946, the word states became state and in 1947 Muslims found themselves governed from Karachi

•    Further, they learnt that Bengal was to be partitioned and major portion of Bengal will be going to Indian side including Calcutta which was economical, financial, industrial hub as well as important port

•    So from early 1947, seeds of tension were sown

Social and Cultural Disparity

•    Urdu was chosen to be the national language however, Bengalis opposed that Urdu was the mother tongue of only 6% of the whole of Pakistan. Bengalis was spoken by 56% of Pakistan

•    1952, students of East Pakistan called "A State Language Day"

•    The government banned protests on that day but a march was still held resulting in several deaths. The protests continued at different times till in 1956 Constitution Bengali was recognized as one of the official languages of Pakistan

•    Bengalis had altogether a different culture, art, music, dance and cultural heroes than from West Pakistan

•    It seemed East and West Pakistan were two wings of the same country but divide by 1000 miles and by culture

Economic Disparity

·         Newly formed Pakistan was a poor country

·         East Pakistan was much poorer than West Pakistan

·         When policies were implemented to boost economy, all policies favored West Pakistan

·         More than twice as much foreign aid and capital investment went to West Pakistan than to East Pakistan

·         Earnings of Jute from East Pakistan were used in West Pakistan

·         Per capita income increased in West Pakistan however decreased in East Pakistan with the passage of time this gap increased

·         Bengalis believed that economic progress of West Pakistan was the result of transferring resources from East to West Pakistan

·         The largest source of income was exporting jute grown in East Pakistan however, the income earned was mainly spent on defense of West Pakistan

·         Similarly, there was a difference in health and education. Number of primary school in West Pakistan rose by 163% and in East Pakistan, the increase of just 38%

Political Disparity

·         Bengalis also complained that despite the fact they had majority in Assembly but Governor Generals and Prime Ministers were nearly always from West Pakistan

·         Similarly, in Pakistan Army all key senior positions were dominated by officers from West Pakistan

·         Likewise, in civil service major senior posts were filled by officers from West Pakistan so much so that over key positions in Dhaka officials were from West Pakistan

1970 Cyclone

·         Deadliest cyclone ever hit East Pakistan in 1970

·         500,000 people died

·         East Pakistan accused West Pakistan government for not responding in time and for complete negligence

·         West Pakistan confirmed that coordinated relief efforts were being carried out however, reports reported that this was not the case

·         India was one of the first nations that offered help

·         West Pakistan denied their help which angered East Pakistan

·         It was just weeks after elections of National Assembly were to be held which created further problems for General Yahiya Khan

Problematic Results of 1970 Elections

·         There were two main parties which contested in 1970 elections

·         Pakistan People's Party led by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was based in West Pakistan

·         Awami League Party led by Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman was based in East Pakistan

·         Awami League contested the elections on the basis of 6 point agenda of more provincial and economical autonomy

·         They won the elections with a stunning victory. Out of 300 seats 162 seats belonged to East Pakistan and Awami League won 160

·         PPP won just 81 seats out of 138 in West Pakistan

·         These results were disturbing for General Yahiya Khan as traditional dominance of West Pakistan was threatened to be overturned

 Reasons for Awami League Victory causing Constitutional Crisis

There were two major problems arising from elections results

 •    Firstly, Awami League won elections with such a majority that it not only had majority seats in East Pakistan but also in National Assembly as a whole. It meant that Awami League can form the government on its own. Prime Minister and entire cabinet will come from East Pakistan. Though PPP won most of the seats in West Pakistan but it had no role in the government unless Awami League invited PPP to have share of the government

•    Secondly, Awami League contested elections on the basis of more provincial and economical autonomy for East Pakistan. It wanted to have more control over the foreign exchange earned from East Pakistan exports. It meant that Central government will be losing its control over its wing and it will be having less funds available


Yahiya Khan and politicians from West Pakistan were not ready to allow this. Although Mujib was ready to negotiate but steps were taken before he was given a chance to explain

The Crisis Deepens

Yahiya's offer to Mujib:

In order to reach a compromise Yahiya Khan offered Mujib to

·         Become President of Pakistan

·         He hoped he will persuade Mujib to not to form next government

·         He will convince Mujib not to use new assembly to create new constitution limiting the powers of Central Government

But people of East Pakistan expected from Mujib to remain firm


PPP reaction to election results and Yahiya Khan's offer to Mujib:

•    PPP announced that it would not take up its seats in National Assembly unless Mujib talked with other parties and reached an agreement on power sharing

•    Yahiya postponed the date of assembly just two days before it was about to meet


East Pakistan's take on the situation:

•    East Pakistan perceived they had been betrayed

•    They began civil disobedience, strikes, and demonstrations and refused to pay taxes

•    When situation worsened General Yahiya Khan recalled provincial governor and appointed General Tikka Khan as Chief Martial Law Administrator

•    Yahiya and Bhutto met Mujib to resolve the situation and that it was hoped that agreement will be reached

Operation Searchlight:

        President General Yahiya Khan launched operation searchlight to crush Bengali Nationalism

        Yahiya claimed that he had launched the campaign to keep order in East Pakistan as Awami League's campaign was threat to Pakistan's unity

        In reality, this operation was an attempt to wipe out all opposition to Yahiya's Government through a campaign of oppression

        Mujib was arrested and thousands of Bengalis were killed and Pakistan Army took control of towns and cities of East Pakistan

        Press censorship was imposed and political activities were banned

        In retaliation, Bengalis announced in a secret radio broadcast from Dhaka the formation of Sovereign People's Republic of Bengladesh

        Yahiya Khan and political leaders of West Pakistan supported the military action and Bhutto claimed that Pakistan has been saved


Mukti Bahini:

        India declared their support for the people of Bengal against West Pakistan

        Indian Army started training rebel Bengali army which called itself Mukti Bahini

        As a result, relations of India and Pakistan deteriorated very rapidly

        Indian High Commission in Dhaka was closed likewise, Pakistani High Commission in Calcutta was also closed

        Yahiya sent more troops to East Pakistan and successfully delt with Mukti Bahini


Role of Soviet Union, USA & China

        Soviet Union signed a Treaty of Peace with India

        It meant that Soviet Union will be supporting India in case of war

        USA and China, however, emphasized on Yahiya to have negotiations with Awami League to resolve the issue

        On knowing the fact that Indians were supporting rebels of East Pakistan, Yahiya declared emergency and told his people to get ready for war

        Indians gathered their troops around East Pakistan and tension grew high

 War with India

        With tension mounting, the war with India was inevitable

        Pakistan Air Force launched attacks on northern India

        Mrs. Gandhi reacted immediately

        India attached East Pakistan from land, air and sea

        They recognized East Pakistan as independent state of Bangladesh

        Soon, Indian Army got control of Dhaka

        Pakistan Army attacked Punjab and Kashmir to divert Indian army but it didn't get successful

        UN Security Council called for immediate end of war and withdrawal of Indian army from East Pakistan

        Soviet Union supported India while USA was not prepared to do the same

         Bhutto knew that Pakistan has to win this war on its own

         Yahiya accepted defeat and ordered army to surrender

         Mukti Bahini carried out killing on large scale for all those who were suspected having supported West Pakistan


West Pakistan's take on Separation of East Pakistan:

         In final days before surrender, Pakistan Army wiped out large number of professional Bengalis to weaken the new country and make it less rival to Pakistan

         Separation of East Pakistan came as a shock for people of West Pakistan

         People were made to believe that Awami League was only group of rebels and India intervened in East Pakistan to worsen the situation


Reasons for defeat of Pakistan Army in East Pakistan:

         People of East Pakistan were determined to resist West Pakistan

         Forces knew that they were forcing East Pakistan to remain with West Pakistan however, former didn't want to

         Forces were not fighting with heart where they had to put up armed resistance against fellow Muslims

         Pakistan knew it will be having little support from its allies

         East Pakistan had support from India and allies of Pakistan were not prepared to offer the same

         Civil war in East Pakistan turned into war between India and Pakistan


Consequences of the War:

         Defeat in war brought great disgrace to Yahiya and for army

         Yahiya resigned and he was replaced by Bhutto

         21 December, 1971 the Republic of Bangladesh was officially declared

         Two weeks later, Bhutto released Mujib from prison

         He returned to Bangladesh and on January 1972, he became first Prime Minister of Bangladesh



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