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Monday, September 14, 2020

President General Yahiya khan


·         When President Ayub Khan realized the situation was getting out of his hands, he resigned

·         Instead of announcing new elections for the choice of new President, he handed over power to army and Pakistan witnessed its second martial law

·         Following to the declaration of martial law, the Commander – In – Chief of army General Yahiya Khan was appointed as Martial Law Administrator and he also took over as President

Major Developments

·         He announced that

o   Basic Democracy had not been successful

o   There would be properly elected government

o   The One Unit Scheme had failed

o   There would be return to Provincial Government

·         Though he was a military ruler yet he was committed to bring democracy to Pakistan on the basis of “one man one vote”

·         The One Unit Scheme and 1962 Constitution was abolished 

·         Pakistan’s four provinces were re-established

Elections of 1970

·         1970, political activities resumed

·         Various parties began campaigning to elect National Assembly of 300 members

·         The assembly was given time of 120 days to draw up new constitution

·         Three days after national assembly elections, there would be provincial assembly elections

·         Due to severe flood in East Pakistan, elections had to be postponed

·         Elections finally held in October 1970 and for the first time on the basis of One Man One Vote

·         The results were such a shock that created Constitutional crisis leading to splitting of Pakistan into two independent countries


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