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Sunday, September 1, 2019

President Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan

Reasons for Military Rule:

•    To Settle Pakistan against the challenges it was facing
•    To bring political stability so that development of industry, support agriculture and maintain even a basic level of social welfare
•    To draft a constitution for Pakistan acceptable to all stakeholders

1959 Basic Democracies or Ayub Khan’s Constitutional Reforms

•    1st step was to introduce Basic Democracies Order
•    It was a 4 – tier system
•    Ordinary people elected Union Council members
•    Union Council Members in turn elect district and divisional members
•    Later in 1962 Constitution it was stated that 80,000 elected basic democrats would also form the electoral college for the election of President and Members of the Central and Provincial Legislature

Elections of Ayub Khan

•    He asked the Basic Democrats for a vote of confidence
•    Nearly 95% of them declared their confidence on him and was confirmed as President of Pakistan
•    He then announced a creation of Constitution Commission to make recommendations for a new constitution

1962 Constitution


•    For the 1st time in the country Presidential Form of Government was introduced
•    Ayub declared it as combining “Democracy with discipline”.
•    This constitution was introduced without debate
•    Martial Law was brought to an end
•    First act of the assembly was to remove ban on political parties

Salient Features

•    The President could not be removed unless impeached
•    The President nominated the Cabinet from the members of the National Assembly
•    The President nominated the heads of Judiciary and the provincial governors (who then nominated their cabinets)
•    The National Legislature could not pass a law without the approval of the President


•    It appeared that Pakistan was moving nearer to democracy but Ayub’s reforms were increasing powers of ruling elite
•    This had happened because the major landlords dominated the elections to the Basic Democracies and often used coercion or bribery to influence results
•    East Pakistan was not happy on the introduction of this constitution
•    They thought they will be having little part in governing Pakistan
•    Gradually, they started to realize that the government of Pakistan was in the strong hands of military and civil officials from West Pakistan
•    East Pakistan perceived that the Pakistan was government of West Pakistan on East Pakistan

Steps taken to address East Pakistan Concerns:

•    Both Urdu and Bengali were announced as official languages of Pakistan
•    The National Assembly session was to be held both in Islamabad and Dhaka
•    If President will be from West Pakistan then Speaker of National Assembly will be from East Pakistan

1965 Elections for Presidency

•    In January 1965 elections were held in the country
•    Ayub Khan was nominated by a new political party, Convention Muslim League, which he had helped form
•    He believed that opposition parties were too divided to put up a credible opponent against him
•    This soon proved wrong when Fatima Jinnah, sister and advisor of founder of Pakistan stood in elections against him
•    Ayub Khan got 64% and Fatima Jinnah got 36% of the votes respectively
•    Opposition Parties challenged this result and claimed that the voting had been rigged
•    There were riots in Karachi and East Pakistan and nearly 20 people got killed

Decade of Development

•    Ayub Khan is praised around the world for this great economical and social reforms and his advisors introduced number of laws

Agricultural Reforms: (Green Revolution)

•    He stated this as Green Revolution in Pakistan

Major Steps:

•    Agriculture was aimed to be more productive
•    Advisors believed that subsistence and many small holding of agriculture land could never be efficient so a law was passed stating no farm could be smaller than 12.5 acres and larger than 500 acres (irrigated) and 1000 acres (unirrigated)
•    Three major dams were built to improve irrigation
•    Farmers were given loans to build wells to reduce the need of Canal Irrigation
•    Agriculture output reached all time record high


•    Much of the increased productivity was due to mechanization which could generally only be afforded by big landlords

Industrial Reforms:

•    Pakistan witnessed great industrial development due to effective policies.
•    Economy growth rate reached to 7% which was three times that of India.

Major Steps:

•    Process of industrialization was speed up by taking loans from western countries and lending money to industries
•    1962, an oil refinery was set up in Karachi and Mineral Development Corporation set up for exploration of mineral deposits
•    1964, Economic Union was established between Iran and Turkey called Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) in which these three countries agreed to develop ties in trade, commerce and industry
•    An export benefit scheme was set up offering incentive to industrialists who increased exports


•    He stated this as Green Revolution in Pakistan
•    Though Pakistan showed great progress but poor people felt very little positive impact of it.
•    The new wealth created due to industrial growth made rich richer and poor poorer
•    1968, a report revealed that only 22 families of Pakistan were controlling 66% of Pakistan’s industrial assets
•    These same 22 families controlled 80% of Pakistan’s Banking and Insurance companies
•    Pakistan got heavily dependent on foreign aid

Social and Educational Reforms:

•    A new curricula was drawn and new books were published
•    The government began extensive literacy program, building  new schools and colleges
•    There was an attempt to deal with shelter less people
•    75,000 refugees were settled in newly built houses
•    Laws were passed that factory owners have to provide accommodation to workers
•    Ayub’s government tried to control population growth and he set up Family Planning Program funded largely by American loans
•    Radio, cinema, newspapers, posters and leaflets were used to educate Pakistanis to limit size of their families
•    Medical facilities were improved


•    The program of Family Planning was not successful

A New Capital:

•    Karachi was capital of Pakistan since independence
•    1959, site of Islamabad was finalized for new capital
•    1967, Islamabad was official declared as capital of Pakistan
•    It is a modern and carefully planned city
•    Secretariat Blocks are the administrative and planning nerve of the country
•    They occupy an area of 92,000 sq. m
•    The city is divided into eight largely self-contained zones each characterized by its predominant usage (like diplomatic enclave, educational sector etc) each with its own park and shopping area

Political Unrest:

•    1965, Pakistan went to war with India over Kashmir
•    Ayub’s Government provoked India into war
•    Neither side won the war
•    Tashkent Peace Treaty had no reference to how Kashmir issue will be resolved
•    Ayub Khan blamed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for the failings in the war

Decline of Ayub’s Government

•    1968, many people were discontented from Ayub’s rule
•    It was criticized for being undemocratic as there were accusations of intimidation and rigging of votes
•    Economy was improving but only few people were gaining benefit of it
•    Agriculture production was rising but so were food prices
•    1968, there were student protests all over West Pakistan
•    There was a failed assassination attempt
•    Ayub carried out massive arrests that further angered opposition
•    1969, 8 political parties got united to form Democratic Action Committee
•    Their major demands were
o    Lifting of emergency
o    Power and autonomy for East Pakistan
•    Ayub Khan took counter measures to control the situation
•    He under took following steps
o    Lifted emergency
o    Released political people who were arrested
o    Negotiated with opposition
•    But his efforts were too little and too late
•    Ayub’s Basic Democrats resigned in large numbers and his party lost support of people very rapidly
•    When he realized the situation was getting out of his hands, he resigned
•    Instead of announcing new elections for the choice of new President, he handed over power to army and Pakistan witnessed its second martial law


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