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Monday, September 2, 2019

Ghulam Muhammad Ali as Governor General


•    After the death of Liaquat Ali Khan Ghulam Muhammad Ali became the 3rd Governor General of Pakistan
•    Khawaja Nazim ud din became 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan
•    Earlier, he was finance minister in the cabinet
•    He came from Civil Service background


•    During his tenure, Planning Commission was set to oversee economic development
•    A six years development program was launched focusing agriculture, fuel and power, industry and mining, transport and communications and Social Uplift Scheme
•    His efforts played a vital role in bringing economic development in Pakistan

Major developments

•    A major jute processing plant was opened at Narayangjang (East Pakistan)
•    Exploration for oil/gas led to discovery of vast reserves of Natural Gas at Sui in Baluchistan

Challenges faced

•    Pakistan faced a severe drought which affected food production
•    Severe food shortages led to riots in most cities
•    Government was not well placed to face these challenges
•    On international level demand of Jute and cotton also declined which means Pakistan was making less money to buy food
•    USA agreed to donate a million tons of wheat to help Pakistan overcome food crisis

Riots under his rule

•    Pakistan faced a severe drought which affected food production
•    Severe food shortages led to riots in most cities
•    The riots also had some religious elements. Some Ulemas began campaign against the Ahmedis. They demanded all Ahmedis be dismissed from office including Zafarullah Khan, the foreign minister
•    Martial Law was imposed
•    Numerous arrests were made to bring riots under control

Constitutional Matters (Report of Nazim ud din)

•    The recommendations of the Basic Principles Committee presented to the Assembly had proved so unpopular that they were withdrawn for further consideration
•    An altered report was presented by Prime Minister, Nazim ud din which suggested
o    Head of State must be Muslim
o    House of Units with 60 members from East Pakistan and 60 members from West Pakistan
o    House of People should have 400 members with 200 members elected from each wing
o    Religious minorities would have representatives at National and Provincial levels
o    Cabinet was to be responsible to National Assembly not to the Head of State
o    Head of State would choose a committee of Islamic specialists to ensure that all legislations conformed to Islamic law
o    Official language should be settled by Assembly
Criticism to Report of Nazim ud din
•    This report also faced strict criticism
•    Prime Minister Nazim ud din decided to have further consideration on it
•    Official language was not decided yet but it had a support on Government level as Quaid e Azam suggested Urdu to be national language of Pakistan
•    East Pakistan strictly opposed this decision

Dismissal of Nazim ud din’s Government

•    1953, Ghulam Muhammad dismissed Khawaja Nazim ud din
•    He blamed him for not controlling riots that resulted from food shortages
•    He did this despite the fact that Prime Minister received a vote of confidence from the Assemblies
•    Nazim ud din was very annoyed at this decision of his removal by Ghulam Muhammad
•    New cabinet was formed and Muhammad Ali Bogra became next Prime Minister

Muhammad Ali Bogra as 3rd Prime Minister of Pakistan

•    Earlier, he was ambassador to USA
•    He became Prime Minister after Ghulam Muhammad dismissed Khawaja Nazim ud din and his cabinet due to riots resulted from food shortage
•    He wanted maximum foreign aid to boost economy
•    USA, Canada and Australia agreed to send a million ton wheat to Pakistan to overcome food crisis
•    A Planning Board was set up to produce five year plan to avoid further food shortage
•    He worked out to make Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
•    It was aimed to involve Western aid for Pakistan, in terms of money, supplies and help of various industrial experts

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)

•    Muhammad Ali Bogra, the 3rd Prime Minister of Pakistan formed Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
•    He wanted maximum foreign aid to boost economy
•    It was aimed to involve Western aid for Pakistan, in terms of
o    Money
o    Supplies
o    Help of various industrial experts

1954/55 Constitutional Crisis

•    Soon there was power struggle between offices of Governor General and Prime Minister
•    Removal of Khawaja Nazim ud din by Ghulam Muhammad created great concerns
•    Ghulam Muhammad was out of country Muhammad Ali Bogra persuaded assembly to introduce a law limiting the powers of Governor General
•    Assembly repealed PRODA Act, which said that Governor General could remove ministers from the National and Provincial Governments
•    This law was approved within 15 minutes

The law contained following features

o    All ministers including Prime Minister must be members of the Assembly
o    Assembly had to approve the Cabinet
o    Governor General had to take the advice of his ministers

•    Ghulam Muhammad took this very seriously and following week when Muhammad Ali Bogra was outside country he declared state of emergency and then dissolved the Assembly
•    He chose a new cabinet, appointed Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime Minister and selected five members of the cabinet who were not members of Assembly which also included General Ayub Khan then army chief
•    Maulvi Tamiz ud din, the speaker of the dissolved Assembly contested the dissolution in the Sindh High Court saying that dissolution had been illegal and that non – Assembly members should not be appointed in the cabinet.
•    The Sindh High Court ruled in favor of Maulvi Tamiz ud din
•    Ghulam Muhammad challenged the decision in Federal Court which overturned the decision in the favor of Ghulam Muhammad
•    1955, fresh elections were held and new assembly was formed
•    Due to illness of Ghulam Muhammad, he had to resign and he was replaced by Major General Iskandar Mirza


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