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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Quaid e Azam as Governor General Pakistan

Quaid e Azam and his early death

•    He became first Governor General of Pakistan
•    His early death created further problems for Pakistan

Successes of Quaid e Azam as Governor General

•    He was successful in setting up basic institutions of Pakistan like State Bank of Pakistan
•    He also set a strong footing of civil service of Pakistan
•    He titled himself to be Protector General of Refugees and declared Refugee crisis as a Grave Emergency ensuring to take all necessary steps required for the betterment and settlement of largest migration of people in the history of mankind

Problems faced by his successors

•    Pakistan – a poor country
•    People living close to subsistence level
•    Land owners dominating in politics – supported Muslim League – held seats in National Assembly
•    Relations with India poor – Kashmir Issue
•    Uniting the country as one unit – Pakistan had 5 different regions with different languages
•    No constitution and no clear role of posts of Governor General and Prime Minister


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