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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Economic Problems during early days of 1947

Economic Problem

•    Pakistan was made up areas there were mostly underdeveloped
•    It had little industry and infrastructure
•    Karachi was the only modern port with substantial trading and business activity
•    90% of population lived in rural areas
•    There were only 8 cities which had population more than 100,000
•    These major cities included Karachi, Lahore, Dhaka, Rawalpindi, Multan, Sialkot and Peshawar
•    Pakistan was not a wealthy country
•    Pakistan’s major industry and agriculture did not produce surplus, with exception of Jute
•    East Pakistan produced 70% of world’s jute
•    Export of jute became a major source of earning valuable foreign exchange
•    Alarmingly, Pakistan had not a single jute mill. All mills were in areas which were given to India
•    Economic situation can well be explained by the following table of Percentage of economic assets in Pakistan after partition


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