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Monday, September 9, 2019

Division of Military Assets during early days of 1947


•    At first, British were reluctant to divide military assets but later agreed
•    Division agreement was India 44% and Pakistan 36%
•    Army personnel were given open choice to go to either Pakistani army or Indian army
•    It was agreed to split army on religions lines
•    Muslim regiments went to Pakistan
•    Non – Muslim regiments went to India
•    Detail of military assets division

                                     Pakistan              India
Armoured Divisions        6                        14
Artillery Divisions           8                        40
Infantry Divisions            8                        21
•    An army of 150,000 soldiers required 4,000 officers
•    There were only 2500 trained Muslim officers
•    Jinnah was forced to take 500 British officers temporarily on senior posts as there were no Muslims on those posts at all
•    Pakistan went to immediate war with India in over Kashmir dispute and it needed best army in the desperate situation
•    All 16 ordinance factories were in India and it refused to hand over any
•    Pakistan had no ordinance factory
•    India paid Rs. 60 million to Pakistan against ordinance factories and Pakistan used this amount to make one ordinance factory in Wah
•    Military supplies came late, damaged and obsolete


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